
JAKARTA - Microsoft has just made access to its chatbot, Bing is available for Windows 11. Users who want to try it can go through the taskbar search box.

With this update, the OpenAI Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based tool can be accessed from the Windows search box, a place where users can access files, settings, and perform web queries directly.

Currently, according to Microsoft, the search box is one of the most popular Windows features used by more than 500 million subscribers every month.

"Now there is a Bing entry point directly in Windows search home, allowing you to quickly access the new chat experience of Bing," Microsoft said.

"When you start queuing with Windows searches, you will see an option to continue your search with Bing. You can also see playing the recommended content in the spotlight of the search," he added.

While chat answers will not be available directly in the search box, Windows 11 users will be able to quickly start the Bing chat in Edge from here, provided they have access to the Bing preview.

That way, hundreds of millions of Windows 11 users can search for, chat, answer questions, and generate content directly from their Windows taskbar.

Chatbot Bing is also equipped with a secret chat mode that allows the transition between personal assistants, friends to help with user problems, game mode to play games with Bing, and Bing Search default mode.

The expansion of the Bing chat to the Windows 11 taskbar comes just a week after Microsoft launched the same mode to Bing on mobile and Skype.

Microsoft is also getting ready to demonstrate AI like ChatGPT in the Office application soon. Currently more than a million people are testing the new Bing preview in 169 countries.

"Immediately hundreds of millions of Windows 11 users can gain access to this extraordinary new technology to search, chat, answer questions and generate content directly from their Windows taskbar," said Head of Windows Products Section

Panay's statement shows Microsoft plans to expand the new Bing preview. Windows 11 also gets improvements in widgets, better touch modes, screen recording features, tabs inside Notepad and more.

Microsoft also opened a preview of the Phone Link app for iOS, meaning iPhone users can link their devices to Windows.

Phone Link for iOS will include access to send and receive messages, even iMessage, calls, and notifications.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by