
YOGYAKARTA - Does posting content on TikTok get money? Questions like this of course you generally find as loyal users of the TikTok application. The reason is, TikTok has indeed become one of the most popular video social platforms and is known as the best money maker.

Because there are various methods that can be worked on to receive income from the TikTok application. Curious, how does the system receive money on TikTok? Check out the following review to get to know some tips about receiving money easily just by playing TikTok.

Share Interesting Video Content

The first system, you can have the opportunity to receive money by creating video content on TikTok. You need to know, TikTok has some programs that video creators can apply.

By creating content in a fixed way, you can increase the traffic content that will really have an impact on increasing the opportunity to receive money. After becoming a famous creator, you can join some programs that have the opportunity to receive money.

So, make sure you share interesting video content to increase traffic views on each video content you share.

Joining the Affiliated Program

For those of you who don't know, TikTok has various programs that users can follow. One of them is the affiliate program that offers high income.

This program is a form of promotion provided by legal TikTok and can be applied by all creators. To be able to join this program, users need to complete some of the conditions set by the legal TikTok.

After legally joining this program, the creator's job is only to promote products that developers demand. Creators can take advantage of live streaming features to increase sales traffic on products marketed on TikTok Shop.

The income that can be obtained from this program can also be said to be really good. If the product sold takes the target set, you can earn up to tens of millions of the percentage of the product sold.

Live Streaming on TikTok Shop

Of course you've really often found creators who run product promotions through live streaming content. So it's not uncommon for you to be curious, whether TikTok makes money from live streaming or not.

But you should know, live streaming on TikTok Shop is also one of the programs to receive money on TikTok. To be able to receive money via live streaming, you need to increase the number of followers on TikTok and have joined the affiliate program.

You can receive a percentage of each product sold on that live streaming content. Many products are sold, of course, the more income you can make each month through a live streaming program on TikTok Shop.

Promotion Program or Endors

Not only that, you can also receive money by becoming a promoter or through endorsement. For this one system, the creator may be able to work on a large number of followers.

So far, the cost of each endorsement is also completely relative. For those of you who have a lot of followers on TikTok, you can accept endorsement prices at a high cost for each product that is promoted.

So, you can increase the number of followers on TikTok by continuing to create more interesting video content. After becoming a famous creator, you can receive an endorsement price of up to millions of rupiah for each product that is promoted.

Invites New Friends

After getting to know some of the systems that have been told, you may argue that the system receiving money on TikTok is very difficult. But don't worry, there are still systems you can do next.

And interestingly, this method can be worked on by all TikTok users without the need to increase the number of active followers. The trick is through a friendly invitation mission provided on TikTok.

Through this mission, you can receive profits in the form of coin bonuses that can be exchanged immediately to the account. The amount obtained is also fairly good, you can get a coin bonus of up to 25k for each newly invited user.

Well, for those of you who want to receive money just by playing the TikTok app, the method above may help you.

So after knowing TikTok content creators, watch other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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