
JAKARTA - On Facebook, we can connect with more people through groups. There, you can meet new people you may have never known before.

Facebook has a huge capacity of group members, reaching 6,000 members. So, if you want to mention all the group members in a post, it's very troublesome if you have to call it one by one.

Luckily Facebook has the ability that can make it easier for you to call all group members with just one tap.

Previously, if you wanted to mention group members in a post, you had to type in usernames one by one. This can take a long time, especially in large groups with hundreds of members.

Well, with this group mention feature, you can quickly mention all members in your Facebook Group with just one click. That way, all members will receive notifications about the post, and can join the conversation if desired.

As explained earlier, you can easily name all members in the group with just one click. Here's how:

This simple method will ensure that everyone in your group knows every existing post or update, and allow them to engage in it.

To be wiser in using this feature, you should use it for important notifications, so that group members are not disturbed by trivial small things.

Facebook has also limited the use of the tag @veryone once a day, so you're not going to spam your group with notifications.

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