
YOGYAKARTA You want to know how to extend an online driver's license? This method is widely used by the public to extend the validity period of their driving license issued by the Police.

The extension of the SIM can now be done online. This means that SIM holders can extend the validity period of their driving license from anywhere, all that is needed is a cellphone connected to the internet network.

As is known, the SIM extension must be done a maximum of one day before the validity period of the SIM is complete. No need to worry because with the online SIM extension system, SIM holders do not need to queue or visit the SIM Administration Unit (SATPAS) office.

The online SIM extension applies to SIM A to SIM C. The requirements for extending online SIM are as follows.

After the conditions are met, the public can use SINAR in the Digital Korlantas Polri application. The public must activate the account first. The procedure is as follows.

The next stage of the online SIM extension can begin after your account is complete. The steps are as follows.

SIM payments themselves will be made via BNI Virtual Account. The code is used as a payment address. Online SIM waiting times are usually a few days until the SIM is sent or taken at the nearest SATPAS.

SIM holders can monitor the status of the extension process via the bell icon in the application. After you receive a SIM, it is hoped that to click the "confirm admitted SIM" button in the application as a way of confirmation.

That's information regarding how to extend an online SIM. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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