
JAKARTA Recently, Pi Network has managed to attract the attention of the crypto community because it offers alternative mining using mobile phones. However, there are still many who do not know how mining this type can be done and what types of miners are in this Pi Network.

For information, Pi Network uses the Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP) consensus algorithm to distinguish its mining process from other networks. SCP is the development of the Federated Byzantine Agreement (FBA). SCP allows mining activities to be carried out using mobile applications.

Meanwhile, the Pi Network does not use the term miner for Pi Coin miners but uses a new term, namely Pioneer. Apart from Pioneer, there are also other Pi Coin mining roles such as Contributors, Ambassadors, and Nodes as outlined below.

The Role of Miners in Pi Network

Based on information from the whitepaper Pi Network, there are four types of miners on the network, namely Pioneer, Contributor, Ambassador, and Node. Every miner who has the above role will have varying Pi Coin mining results. Then what do you mean by the terms Pioneer, Contributor, Ambassador, and Node?

1. Pioneer

Pioneer is a Pi Coin miner who uses the Pi Network app on mobile phones. Pioneers can give a number of Pi Coins to other Pioneers. They can also invite friends or relatives to increase their Pi Coin income.

2. Contributors

As the name implies, Contributors will contribute to recommending a trustworthy Pioneer. Contributors will provide a list of Pioneers into the network. Therefore, the role of Contributors is very important in improving security and trust in the Pi network.

3. Ambassador

Ambassadors are Pi Network users who often invite other users to join the use of Pi Network.

4. Node

Finally, Node has a very crucial role in Pi Network. This node can be played by Pioneer or Contributor, as well as Pi Network users on mobile or computer. Nodes will play a role in assessing the list recommended by Contributors. Assessments are made through computer applications such as Pi Browser and Pi Wallet.

Although the term role of miners in the Pi Network is different, the concept remains the same as other mining, namely to validate transactions that take place online. Whenever Pioneer opens the Pi Network application to mine, it will also be directly connected to Node. Then Node will confirm whether the transaction is valid and recorded in the new block on the network.

Those are four important terms in Pi Network mining for you before mining Pi Coin!

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