
JAKARTA - Microsoft is one of the largest technology companies that has many products, ranging from office services such as Ms. Office or Microsoft 365, to gaming services.

However, do you know that Microsoft has a gift program? This program is called Microsoft Reward Points, which allows you to get points and make up for them by purchasing digital products.

This program called Microsoft Reward Points is a gift generated from the use of brand services. However, you can't get it automatically. Instead, you have to sign up for the Microsoft Reward program and get points.

There, you will also be able to track the accumulation of your daily points, set goals, and make up for points when you have enough.

There are many ways you can use to get points in Microsoft Rewards. Here are ways you can try to get the points.

When you first register for the Microsoft Rewards program, you will see a lot of activity under the dashboard. Each activity tile will have a number that shows the number of points you will get after completion.

Bing is Microsoft's search engine service. Instead of using Google, with Bing you can get a reward point. Level one users get three points for each Bing search and are paid for 10 searches per day. However, if you are a level two user, the limit is increasing, and Microsoft gives you a reward for 30 searches per day.

Buying games, apps, and subscriptions will also generate reward points. Microsoft will give you points for every dollar you spend to buy goods from Microsoft. You can make purchases using your phone, Xbox, Windows PC, or even a web store.

Microsoft is rolling out weekly challenges and offering reward points as you play certain games. This is another way you can try to increase the potential for reward points. There are even more methods to get reward points on Xbox, including watching top content on your console.

When you've collected a lot of points, you can exchange your points for the digital gifts you want. Just open the Redeem section to check all available prizes.

There, you will find gift cards for games, e-commerce sites, and more. Remember that the prizes will vary according to your territory. You can even set a goal to get points to claim a particular gift card that you want to pursue.

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