
JAKARTA - The world's largest aircraft with a wingspan of 383 feet named Roc, has managed to set a new record with a six-hour flight test over the Mojave Desert in California.

The plane was developed by a company called Stratolaunch which was founded in 2011 by the late Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen.

The Stratolaunch Roc, or Roc, carried out their second flight test Friday morning January 13 while carrying a flight test vehicle.

This (TA-O) 28-foot-long retest aircraft can carry loads at hypersonic speeds of more than five times the speed of sound.

The main goal of this Friday flight, which is the ninth liftoff, is flights outside the local Mojave area for the first time and evaluation of the separation environment.

"Our extraordinary team continues to make progress in our testing schedule, and through their hard work we are growing closer than ever to our first safe and hypersonic separation. Flying tests," said Zachary Krevor, Chief Executive Officer and President Stratolaunch.

Subsequently, Roc will conduct a test-fall of theLEA-A prototype over the Pacific Ocean in December. If the trial is successful, the company will launch its first hypersonic test vehicle, flight-A TA-1.

"A thorough evaluation of the release conditions will provide data to reduce risks and ensure a clean and secure release of

Roc Stratolaunch is wider than the length of the football field from goal to goal, generally about 345 feet. Weighing about 500,000 pounds without any cargo, the plane can take off with a maximum weight of 1.3 million pounds.

This H-shaped aircraft is capable of rotating with the help of 28 wheels. After flying, this aircraft is powered by six 747 aircraft engines.

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