
YOGYAKARTA The 2023 smartphone trend is certainly different from the trend in previous years, this trend is adjusted to market needs which this year are predicted to be oriented towards many things ranging from technology, games, to work-related.

On the other hand, smartphone companies are also starting to compete to launch smartphones that accommodate the needs of their users. Then, what kind of phone might be popular this year?

Smartphone trends in Indonesia can be seen by the need for information which is also supported by various new facilities from the Government. The following are some smartphone specifications that are likely to be widely looked at by the Indonesian market.

As is known, the Government of Indonesia continues to develop the 5G network provided to accelerate access to information. This is also supported by provider companies and mobile phone companies.

It is predicted that mobile phones with 5G networks are expected to be widely produced in 2023. This is because in several big cities 5G networks are already available and people are starting to flock to take advantage of the 5th generation network.

Meanwhile, the price of chipsets supported by 5G connectivity is increasing, so that not only flagship, lower middle phones will also provide 5G networks.

Smartphones with extreme performance are predicted to be widely selected by their users. The ability of mobile phones to work with a heavy workload but still run smoothly will be one of the market considerations.

Extreme performance on cellphones is not only related to work needs, but entertainment. For example, using mobile gaming.

The rapid development of games in Indonesia must be accompanied by gaming phones. Thus, people will choose mobile phones with good performance so that their entertainment needs are met.

Mobiles with fast charging capabilities are also predicted to be one of the main considerations for users when choosing a cellphone. Recharging the cellphone battery is also considered important for users. It is not impossible that this technology will be widely used on lower middle phones.

Fast battery charging is chosen along with the increasing digital activity of its users via mobile phones.

Mobile developers also start competing to provide sophisticated cell phone cameras. This is done to accommodate the needs of its users to record or take pictures of their daily activities to be shared on social media.

Mobile with medium to lower camera capabilities is likely the umpteenth option in the market. Meanwhile, a middle phone that provides good camera capabilities became popular this year.

Phones that have a slimmer body are predicted to be more popular than wide and heavy phones. In addition, screen size will also be considered by the market considering that many people like mobile games.

In addition, the screen is also an important consideration because it is related to other entertainment needs such as streaming movies, photography, and videography. Mobile phones with thin bezels are also expected to be more popular in 2023. This is a challenge for mobile phone companies to make adjustments between the weight of the cellphone and the size of the screen.

Those are some predictions related to specifications that are the trend of smartphones in 2023. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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