
JAKARTA - Sharing activities with family and friends is quite fun, especially if you have the same goal, such as achieving the desired weight. For that, you can try the Activity Share feature on Apple Watch.

The Activity Share feature on Apple Watch can help you and your friends who also have similar devices to stay motivated by sharing their activities.

You will receive a notification when your friend has completed physical training or reached his target and has access to the details of the exercise.

Keep in mind, when you share your activities, you and the recipient will see some of your full statistics. That will include one another's daily activities, receiving notifications after your friends finish training, seeing training metrics (a burned calori, walking miles, duration, and more).

Here's how to share the Activity Share feature on Apple Watch.

How to Send Invites to Activity Share Features on Apple Watch

While you can add friends via Apple Watch, you should use your iPhone. A larger interface makes it easier to find your contacts.

1. On your iPhone, open the Fitness app, tap the Share tab at the bottom right. If you've never called the Sharing tab before, you'll be asked to Get Startted.

2. On your Apple Watch, tap the Activity app, scroll down to Invite a Friends, scroll through your contacts, and tap on your friend's name.

3. Add contact, open the upper right corner of the Fitness application's sharing tab. You will see a green profile icon.

Tap the icon, and when the interface changes, tap the plus green button. From here, type your friend's name or select from the contact list suggested by Apple. Select the contact and click Send

4. Wait until the recipient receives your invitation, before anyone (except you,) can see your activity.

How to Hide Activity Share Features on Apple Watch

If you want to stop sharing your Activity profile with friends, you can hide by opening the Fitness app on iPhone click the Sharing tab, then click your friend's name select the Hide my Activity option, from the menu below selected friend training data. This is quoted from ZDNet, Monday, January 2.

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