
JAKARTA - Cyber activity is increasingly dangerous in threatening the safety of our public and national security and economy. Our enemy seeks to exploit loopholes in intelligence and security networks to retrieve our personal information.

Therefore, if you are used to using the internet to explore cyberspace, you should know at least the most common crimes on the internet. According to a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) report, the following are the most common examples of crimes on the internet:

This type of crime is one of the most financially detrimental, seeing the fact that so many of us rely on emails to run both private and professional businesses.

BEC perpetrators usually send email messages that appear to come from legitimate sources that will send malware to the network where the perpetrators will gain access to your computer and personal data.

This type of crime occurs when someone steals your personal information, such as the Social Security number, and uses it for theft or fraud.

Ransomware is a type of malicious software, or malware, that prevents you from accessing files, systems, or computer networks and asks you to pay a ransom to return them.

Spaofing and phishing are schemes that are intended to trick you into providing sensitive information to fraudsters. This type of crime will usually be disguised as a specific organization or someone you might know to cheat and get your information.

Online predator: This crime is a type of threat that develops for young people. Where the perpetrator commits acts of sexual abuse against children on the internet which are generally committed by adult men to minors with various motives.

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