
YOGYAKARTA - QRIS has facilitated payment activities in today's era. Many people now choose to pay using QRIS because it is easier and faster than using the master's money. Many business owners immediately provide QRIS payment services in their stores. However, there are still many business owners who don't know how to make QRIS.

Now many shops have provided QRIS as a means of payment. This service follows the need for buying and selling in today's digital era. Business owners will benefit a lot when using QRIS. Consumers will find it easier and safer to make payments with QRIS,

Various benefits have been obtained by business owners who use QRIS payment tools, including being more efficient in receiving payments, not having to print a memorandum, no need to prepare returns, and others.

Before learning how to create a QRIS, first you need to know all kinds of QRIS. There are three kinds of payments using QRIS, quoted from the Bank Indonesia website. The three types, namely the mode presented by a static trader (MPM), the mode presented by a dynamic trader (MPM), and the mode presented by customers (CPM).

The following is the explanation of the three types of QRIS payments:

This type of QRIS payment only uses one QR code. Merchants or business owners only provide one QR code that is usually placed on stickers or print outs.

Customers or customers can make transactions by scanning the QR code that has been provided in the store. When you have scanned the QR code, a payment nominal filling field will appear. You just need to fill in the amount of your purchase price, then just enter the PIN and click for the payment process.

MPM Dynamics is a type of payment with a QR code issued from the merchant's EDC machine. The payment step is different from the Statistical MPM. In this type of payment, merchants include nominal payments in computers or smartphones connected to EDC machines.

Furthermore, the EDC machine will print a QRIS that needs to be scanned or scanned by customers to make payments. This type of QRIS is suitable for medium to large businesses with a high volume of transactions.

This type of CPM payment uses a QR code from a customer or customer. Payment is made by scanning or scanning the QR code on the application account of each customer.

The payment step is carried out by customer opening the QR menu in the application. Then a QR code will appear which will be scanned by merchants or shops. This type of QRIS is usually used for businesses that need fast transactions, such as toll tickets, transportation services, supermarkets, and others.

QRIS provides many benefits for transaction activities, both for customers and merchants. Here are the advantages when buyers and sellers use QRIS payment tools.

Making QRIS can be done online via a smartphone. The way registration is quite easy, you just need to open the site to register.

There are already special sites intended to get all the information about QRIS. You can also create QRIS on the site. When you enter, you just have to select the QRIS List menu (

Next, you will be taken to the Registration Form page. Pay attention to all steps and requirements, then make sure nothing is missed. Make sure all the original and complete documents. Don't forget to choose the type of business that suits your business field.

After following the steps and requirements, then you need to make a QRIS payment. You can pay it via mobile banking or e-wallet. Payments must be made a maximum of 14 days after filling out the form. If within that time you have not paid, then your registration form will be reset.

If you have paid, you will get a registration notification containing a username and password to login to the dashboard page. Next, you just need to complete the document on the dashboard page and verify the data gap.

That's an explanation of how to make QRIS for business owners. If you have a business, then it is highly recommended to provide QRIS payment tools. Moreover, QRIS registration is very easy and can be done online.

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