
JAKARTA - Microsoft announced several new features called Formula Suggestions and Formula by Example which will make it easier for users to include formulas in Microsoft Excel.

"We are excited to announce the release of Formula Suggestions and Formula by Example for web Excel users, an interesting capability designed to help you save time and learn more about Excel formulas when you use them," Microsoft said in its announcement.

Formula Suggestions

With this feature, Microsoft will provide suggestions for formulas after you type in = in the cells or formulae bar. Excel will automatically suggest the best formula based on contextual insights from your data.

The recommended formulas are SUM, AVERGE, COUNT, COUNTA, MIN, and MAX. However, there is currently only support for English. This feature was rolled out to production for web users.

Formula by Example

When you do manual and recurrent data entries in the column, Excel can now suggest you fill in the entire column with a formula if they identify the pattern.

This feature is almost similar to the Fast Content feature or Flash Fill, which can automatically detect patterns in the data and fill in other fields. However, instead of just plain text, Excel will fill in with a formula.

The blog post says that the features have been rolled out now, so it's possible that the feature hasn't entered many users.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by