
South Korea's leading technology company giant Samsung is reportedly investing in developing a metaverse project for users in Latin American countries. To that end, Samsung disbursed US$35 million (Rp547 billion).

This effort is aimed at improving the Samsung brand in the region. Samsung will facilitate its brand in interacting with the younger generation of Latin America.

Samsung is known for its constant efforts to drive innovative technological advances. The goal of Samsung Electronics' VR boost was recently detailed in an article published on December 20 by Anita Caerols in Samsung Chile's official blog. Caerols serves as Director of marketing and corporate citizenship for Samsung in Chile.

In Samsung we believe that the metaverse is a real commitment to connect with young consumers. That's why we invested more than $35 million in initiatives that cover the entire Latam," said Anita Caerols.

According to this electronics company, Metaverse is only an additional means of connection for native digitals such as Generation Z members, in addition to many others, such as social media. Generation Z is the most important demographic for the Metaverse for this reason.

Exploring the world such as Roblox, Fortnite, and most recently, Decentraland, is a means for Samsung to interact with and grow closer to this audience, which will also be the next generation of big customers. This audience will become a future consumer.

Despite recent discussions regarding users of certain platforms, a study recently published by LinkedIn shows that various Metaverse platforms currently have an active audience of 400 million monthly users. In addition, as Samsung pointed out, 51 percent of these users are less than 13 years old.

In the world to be built by the next generation, there is no doubt, there will be no longer any wall that distinguishes the virtual world from the real world. It is believed that there are some prospects for cooperative construction.

If a business needs to talk and connect with a young audience, look for potential potential potential consumers today and the future, and engage with new influencers, it's very important to be in the Metaverse from now on.

Millennials' enthusiasm and even Boomers for finding a final answer to Metaverse's challenges may have created the wrong idea that a truly immersive digital platform is not a trend that will remain, according to Samsung, which has claimed that a fully immersive digital platform is not a fad, and they are here to settle.

Seperti influencer digital mereka, SAM, yang merupakan pusat inovasi merek dan acara dan juga merupakan pengambaran avatar dari semangat merek Samsung; pulau mereka di Fortnite yang disebut Samsung Smart City, di mana perusahaan mempercaya bahwa hubungan dengan pelanggan mereka terpanjang melalui gamifikasi; dan, yang terbaru, House of SAM di Decentraland.

Samsung argues that organic commitments to society will increasingly become an important aspect of the process of unifying large brands of communication and marketing strategies.

This involves identification where these big brand customers are looking for value and meeting their desires and needs, as reported by CryptoPolitan.

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