JAKARTA - Recent research reveals small frog while sleeping at night, can turn their bodies transparent. A perfect camouflage.
When they become transparent, they can hide nearly 90 percent of their red blood cells. To disguise it, this little frog sounds his cells in his heart.
To find out this, scientists use light and ultrasound imaging technology.
His body becomes transparent only at night, while during the day, this little frog spends its time hanging under a tree leaf in its green shape does not produce a shadow, making it invisible to predators.
"When they are transparent, it's for their safety. When they are awake, they can actively avoid predators, but when they are sleeping and most vulnerable, they adapt to staying in hiding," said Duke University biomedical engineer and study co-author Junjie Yao.
However, once they wake up from their sleep, the color of the frog will look more reddish brown.
Yao also showed frogmen can shrink and unite most of their internal organs. Launching DailyMail, Monday, December 26, how they can experience this is still a bit mysterious.
For most animals, having very little oxygen circulating in the blood for several hours can have an impact on death, and a very tight blood clot will result in fatal clots. However, the frog was able to survive.
Scientists believe future studies of the species could produce information for the development of blood clots.
It is known that transparent animals include several fish, shrimp,▁materius, worms, and insects, but no one has transferred large amounts of red blood to their entire bodies.
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