
JAKARTA - Alibaba Cloud, announced its collaboration with several experienced technology partners to increase digital transformation in various fields including mobile banking and corporate resource planning (ERP).

This year, partners including Adins (specialists in multi-finance systems), Real Data Indonesia (in Monitoring of Cellular Application Performance), Dimata Sora Jayate (at ERP), WONxcode (at i-office), MKP (for e-ticket payment systems), 3Dolphins (in Chatbots & CRM) and Zahir (in an Integrated Business Application), have strengthened their collaboration with Alibaba Cloud.

"Over the last six years, we have committed to Indonesia by investing more resources aimed at developing our local partner ecosystem, by offering various digital talent training programs, and providing support to the startup and developer community," said Leon Chen, Country Manager of Indonesia, Alibaba Cloud Intelligence in a statement received on Wednesday, December 21.

Alibaba Cloud has also launched a digital talent training program. As part of Alibaba Cloud's global program called Regional Accelerator, Alibaba Cloud will offer strong support to partners in Indonesia.

This support includes funding, discounts, and go-to-market initiatives to accelerate technological innovation and expand their market together, as an effort to further empower customers in the country.

Selama tahun 2022, sudah lebih dari 62,000 orang di Indonesia yang telah mengikuti berbagai program pelatihan digital yang diselenggarakan oleh Alibaba Cloud yang bekerja sama dengan universitas lokal, asosiasi, incubator startup, dan komunitas pengembang.

"Looking ahead in 2023, we will continue our unshakable commitment in the Indonesian market by supporting the acceleration of digital transformation for all types of businesses in Indonesia," concluded Leon.

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