
JAKARTA The password is now available for use on Chrome. Google has added a safe login standard without passwords this week to Chrome Stable M108 after going through a testing period that began in October.

The feature now works using Chrome on desktop and mobile running Windows 11 macOS, and Android. Google also allows you to sync passwords from Android to other devices through the company's or third-party password managers who support them, such as 1Password or Dashlane.

Password keys are unique identities stored on your computer, phone, or other devices such as USB security keys. For websites or apps that have implemented API password keys, you can log in through simple and fast confirmations combined with your device's biometrics or other secure authentication.

Password keys are great for security because no passwords are involved that can leak. And since all big tech companies like Apple, Google, and Microsoft work together in adopting technology (and its name), experience should be device agnostic. This technology was built based on FIDO standards using public key cryptography, which allows cross-platform aspects.

The use of password keys in Chrome and other browsers will appear to sites implementing WebAuthn APIs to receive password keys. Several online stores like Best Buy have added them, and services like PayPal are also activating them.

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