
JAKARTA - Web3 trends that combine concepts such as decentralization, blockchain technology, and token-based economy as well as metaverses that are also decentralized on web3 are increasingly becoming the goal of digitalization.

Meta itself began to introduce the metaverse as a new era of the internet built on immersive and integrated experiences. Optimistic with the future of the metaverse, in 2014, Meta acquired Oculus, a virtual device with glasses-like shape, worth US$2 billion or around Rp. 31 trillion.

Even though the metaverse is already very developed in other countries, Meta has not fully implemented metaverse technology in Indonesia. However, Meta admits it will do so gradually.

Because according to Meta itself, when it comes to the metaverse, we can't talk only about AR (Augmented Reality) technology or AR (Virtual Reality), but there must also be qualified infrastructure.

"It is done regularly. In Indonesia, we are currently building an ecosystem first. Because the metaverse is not only a matter of AR and VR, but a lot to build," said Noudhy Valdryno, Public Policy Manager at Meta Indonesia on Tuesday, December 6 in Jakarta.

Furthermore, the man who is familiarly called Ryno also hopes that the Oculus will later be accessible to all people in Indonesia. However, it seems we still have to wait.

"I also hope that Indonesia can get access to the Oculus. We will wait, in some time. The focus here is on preparing the ecosystem. We at Meta Indonesia are also trying to continue to encourage Indonesia to become a key country in the Metaverse," he said.

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