
JAKARTA - Towards 2023, Meta Indonesia will focus on 3 main things, namely helping business people through the power of digital technology, supporting digital acceleration through a series of partnerships and programs, as well as encouraging trends and inspiration for creators and communities who use Meta platforms.

From the business sector, Meta sees that in 2023 business activities in the online realm will be more closely related to the use of business messaging services, especially through WhatsApp services which are so popular in Indonesia.

A study launched by Kantar in 2022 shows that 7 out of 10 people in Indonesia prefer to use business messaging services to connect with businesses rather than by phone or email.

The growth in the use of business messaging has increased so far this year. This means that businesses and consumers have placed this as a significant way to obtain goods or services from business personally," said Aldo Rambie, Head of Industry, Meta in Indonesia on Tuesday, December 6 in Jakarta.

Aldo added that this was also driven by more Millennial and Gen-Z groups which continued to create trends and innovations in the digital realm, including determining how to travel online shopping with messaging methods.

"We see a great opportunity in the future considering that Indonesia is also one of the countries with the largest digital technology users in the world," added Aldo.

One of the businesses that has maximized the use of WhatsApp to stay connected to consumers is Tokopedia, which uses WhatsApp to provide the latest information that provides a more attractive shopping experience for its consumers.

WhatsApp also helps them to reach business activists in Indonesia, especially local MSMEs, and educates them regarding the latest series of features or services at Tokopedia," said Maisyalina Agustina, Growth Marketing Senior Lead Tokopedia.

In order for business people to continue to develop and be able to take full advantage of digital technology, Meta will also continue various training programs for business people including Meta Boost and #Shemeansbusiness, a program to empower female entrepreneurs.

Apart from business people, Meta will also focus on continuing programs aimed at various communities growing on the platform.

This year, Meta sees how communities on Facebook and Instagram have adopted a metaverse early experience to be able to connect with more people in unique and different ways, one of which is through the Augmented Reality (AR) experience.

Last September, Meta launched the Virtual Learning Academy, a training program for AR Spark creators throughout Indonesia, to create an interesting and economic impact Augmented Reality (AR) experience.

"We at Meta believe that the metaverse is the future of social technology and the Spark AR community is a community that will determine how people connect on our platform through the power of digital technology," said Noudhy Valdryno, Head of Public Policy, Meta in Indonesia.

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