
JAKARTA - Technological advances in the form of programming are growing faster. Likewise with the need for laptops as a supporting tool that is increasingly needed along with the high interest of coding learners.

As part of the company's social responsibility initiation, Acer provides support in the form of an Acer laptop to alumni of the Digital Leadership Bootcamp for Disability from the Indonesian Foundation for the Better (YILB).

The laptop provided certainly supports learning features, especially basic coding programs and front-end web development.

Acer hopes to help the birth of many professionals for programmers in the field of information technology and can learn from all types of programming languages, even in the midst of limitations or disabilities.

Acer always fully supports activities that have a big impact on the development of the quality of education in the world. With the implementation of the Digital Leadership Bootcamp which is attended by disabled participants, Acer hopes that this program can produce reliable programmers and the nation's children with superior talents," said Monica Sutanto Pribadi, Head of HRGA, Acer Indonesia in a statement received in Jakarta.

Jusni Halim, representatives of the Indonesian Foundation for the Better (YILB) expressed his gratitude for the laptop support provided by Acer.

"We believe that this laptop can encourage the birth of programmers from all walks of life and inspire all parties that the programmer profession is not limited to only part of the group, but can be achieved by everyone," said Jusni.

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