
The National Working Meeting of the 2022 Telecommunication Network Operators Association (APJATEL) is expected to be able to find solutions for the acceleration, construction, and operation of optical cable networks in Indonesia.

"I hope that these associations can provide constructive input, especially for the government so that we can issue policies or regulations that can support, provide support and accelerate the development of optical fiber connectivity in Indonesia," said the Directorate General of Postal and Informatics Apparatus Resources (SDPPI) of the Ministry of Communication and Information, Ismail to the media, Tuesday, November 29.

According to Ismail, the National Working Meeting for the construction of optical cable infrastructure is very important because the telecommunications industry relies heavily on the presence of fiber optics that covers all parts of Indonesia.

On Tuesday, November 29, APJATEL held a National Working Meeting with the theme Acceleration, Collaboration and Synergy in the Sovereignty of Indonesia's Digital Transformation.

The telecommunications network organizing association currently encounters many obstacles in deploying telecommunications networks and greatly hampers the acceleration of digital infrastructure development in Indonesia.

The main problem is the widespread application of rental price costs by the Regional Government for the implementation of telecommunication networks in their area. This condition causes high costs on the community side when accessing the internet.

Responding to this problem, Ismail said that the concrete step that will be taken by the Ministry of Communication and Informatics is to coordinate with various sectors of government.

"It will be followed up together. Coordinating with the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, this has indeed been the way for the coordination meeting," said Ismail to the media.

Lebih dari itu, Ismail juga memberikan saran agar semua asosiasi penyelenggara jaringan telekomunikasi diharapkan dapat berkonion dalam pembangunan infrastruktur fiber optical.

"If possible, don't compete in infrastructure problems, you can compete, but in terms of customer service and prices, but when it comes to infrastructure, you have to collaborate with each other so that fiber optic development can be faster," he said.

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