
JAKARTA - Mobbi, a mobile trading platform owned by PT Astra Digital Mobil, which is a subsidiary of Astra, took Vincent Rompies, Desta Mahendra, and Enzy Storia as its Brand Ambassador.

Reflecting on the friendship between the three of them, the President director of PT Astra Digital Mobil, Naga Sujady hopes that in the future Mobbi, as the youngest child in Astra, still needs support from all lines in Astra who is more experienced.

The launch of the car from PT Astra Digital Mobil is a form of Astra's seriousness in developing its business to the online platform. Seeing that the previous car had existed as one of the divisions in Astra's car88.

"Astra's offline business now has a car 88, and this car is an online platform for used cars. Because we see high prospects online, so for Astra company it is separate, namely PT Astra Digital Mobil," Naga told the media on Friday, November 25.

Currently, the car is only bridging the sale and purchase of cars from the Astra brand. But in the future, Naga said it was possible that the car would be a bridge for cars outside the Astra brand.

"For now, we will focus on Astra's car first, later in the future of course we will see what the opportunity looks like. Because currently car 88 is also selling cars that are not Astra," he said.

Naga also revealed that it is possible that later the car will also support buying and selling for electric cars, seeing now that Indonesia is pushing the electric car market.

"Until now, it's frankly features, we haven't covered it yet. But maybe in the future we will see. If the needs are starting to form, yes, of course we will see if for example there is opportunity, we will go there," he said.

Currently, Mobbi only provides payments through Astra Pay, but in the future, Astra will see an opportunity to add other digital payment systems.

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