The FBI Has Begun To Be Involved In A Contact Hacking Investigation In Germany
The FBI was involved in an investigation into the continental hack. (photo: dock. Pixabay)


JAKARTA - The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is involved in a recent cyber attack investigation against German automotive company Kontinental. This statement was disclosed by a source to Reuters on Wednesday, November 23.

The FBI was brought by German security authorities, said the source, who also confirmed an earlier report from German media, Handelsblatt.

Kontinental and the FBI themselves are not yet willing to comment on the statement. Kontinental said earlier this month it was investigating the theft of company data in a cyberattack in August. But they declined to comment on media reports that hackers had sold the information.

Handelsblatt had reported at the time that hackers had published data lists on the darknet and that included budget plans, investments and strategies, as well as information related to several continental subscribers.

Handelsblatt said the hackers had sold the data for $50 million after Kontinental "appears to not want to pay the ransom".

Cyber attacks on big companies are now popping up and becoming a common problem in various countries. Even in Indonesia, hackers called Bjorka were also attacked.

However, the reactions shown by several countries are different. The US and the European Union even Australia seem to be always serious about responding to any threats and hacking of any data. However, the Indonesian government looks quite relaxed even though Bjorka has published a lot of high-ranking official data on Darknet.

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