
JAKARTA - Google added a number of new animals that can be displayed in the form of Augmented Reality (AR). At least 50 animals in 3D have been added to the Google search engine.

The new animals that can be displayed via the Google preview include giraffes, cows, cats, hippos, zebras and others. Users can present these animals virtually through the smartphone camera.

Quoting the Gizmodo page, Monday, December 14, Google has been trying to add a library of 3D animals to its search engine since 2019. In fact, Google is also working with several museums to create 3D versions of prehistoric creatures.

Google also makes it easy for its users to see 3D animals. They simply write down what animal they are looking for on the Google Search page, then tap the AR icon on the animal.

After that, when the user clicks "View in 3D," the app will open the camera and place the 3D animal around the user, where they can take multiple photos.

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