
JAKARTA - Domino's Pizza announced that it has now added more than 800 special branded Chevrolet Bolt EV 2023 to its fleet in the US to deliver pizza to consumers.

In the coming months, the lattice Bolt EV will soon be present in certain Domino stores around the world, and form the largest electric pizza delivery in the United States.

This month, more than 100 Bolt EVs have arrived at certain franchises and company stores across the US, with an additional 700 launched in the coming months.

"Domino has always been at the forefront of pizza delivery and electric delivery cars make sense as vehicle technology continues to grow. We have made commitments to net zero carbon emissions by 2050, and this is one way we can start reducing environmental impacts, one delivery at a time," said Russell Weiner, CEO of Domino, quoted via InsideEVs.

According to him, electric vehicles provide benefits for the company. In addition to draining carbon emissions, the EV battery life is sufficient with the potential for delivery for days.

"We are pleased Domino's has chosen Chevrolet Bolt EV to build their electric pizza delivery fleet in the US. Both companies are committed to improving our environment," said Ed Peper, vice president of the GM Fleet.

Peper added that GM plans to remove exhaust emissions from new US light duty vehicles by 2035.

"With affordable prices, fun driving characteristics, and a range of 259 miles, the Bolt EV medium is the future of Domino's electric delivery," he said.

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