
JAKARTA - pesan ke staf Twitter Inc yang memberi tahu mereka bahwa, para karyawan hanya memiliki waktu hingga Kamis, 17 November untuk memutuskan apakah mereka ingin tetap di perusahaan untuk bekerja selama "berjam-jam dengan intensitas tinggi" atau mengambil paket pesangon gaji tiga bulan alias PHK.

Musk told Twitter employees that anyone who didn't click on the link confirmed "you want to be a part of a new Twitter" on Thursday night New York time would be deemed to have stopped.

A copy of the message, reported by The Washington Post, has been reviewed by Reuters. Three sources who have received messages on Twitter confirmed their contents. But Twitter did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Reuters.

The latest move to restructure the company came after Twitter cut half of its workforce earlier this month as Musk took over the social media company. Musk criticized spending and work culture on Twitter, and said the company needed a sharp cut in costs and restarted its services.

"In the future, to build a Twitter 2.0 breakthrough and succeed in a more competitive world, we have to be very hard," Musk said. "This means hours with high intensity. Only great performance will be the graduation value."

Musk said Twitter would be "more driven by engineering" under his leadership. He also added that "Those who write great codes will be the majority of our team and have the greatest influence."

The billionaire, who is also CEO of Tesla Inc, has cut costs wholeheartedly. Even after mass layoffs forced him to try to offer some employees in the critical division to return, some employees on Tuesday said they had been fired, which they suspect for posting critical comments from the company or Musk on Twitter or its internal messaging platform..

One source told Reuters that they received an email out of work last night stating that "Your recent behavior has violated company policy," and added that he believed more than 20 people were fired in the last round. Others tweeted last Tuesday that they had received the same email.

"I want to apologize for firing these geniuses," Musk tweeted on Tuesday, November 15. Their outstanding talent will undoubtedly be very useful elsewhere.

Last week, in its first email across the company, Musk said remote work was no longer permitted and that employees were expected to be in the office for at least 40 hours per week, warning that Twitter may not be able to "survive in the future in a declining condition of the economy."

He also told employees that if "you don't appear in the office, resignation is accepted," according to a transcript of the meeting reported by The Verge.

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