
JAKARTA - When watching and liking a video on a platform, we often forget what's in the video. Fortunately, on some platforms it provides tools to view viewing history like on YouTube.

Likewise with Instagram, you can see posts you like in the settings tab. But unfortunately, you can't do both of these on TikTok. Because TikTok doesn't provide the tools.

But no need to worry, even so, there are other ways to find videos you've watched on TikTok. Here's how:

Finding TikTok videos that you've seen is easy. All you need to do is use a simple search filter.

Every video in your viewing history that matches the keywords you enter will be at the top of the list, followed by other search results.

One of the best tips for TikTok beginners is to see everything you've been watching. However, the problem is, only iOS users can access this feature. If you're using an Android device, you might have to do it the other way.

How to View the History of Your TikTok Watch on iOS

To access your viewing history on iPhone on iPad:

How to Watch Your TikTok Watch History on Android

Although not the same as on iOS, you can request your complete TikTok timeline as a request for personal data and find data in it. It may take a few days, but this is the most approximation you can take.

Upon completion, you can check the delayed data request in the Download Data tab next to it, which you can access at the top of this page. Launching Makeuseof, it takes you no more than four days.

You will be able to download everything related to your account, including your TikTok viewing history. Once your request is approved, you must verify your identity before the ZIP file actually belongs to you.

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