
JAKARTA - Amazon may be offering new health care in the near future. This is known from a leaked video. A video published to the company's YouTube page Tuesday, November 8 and then quickly deleted, describes "Amazon Clinic," an online care program that will offer treatment for "public conditions" such as allergies and acne.

Screenshots taken from now unregistered videos originally posted on Amazon's YouTube page.

As described in the video, people can fill out a questionnaire about their symptoms and pay a fee. A doctor will review their answers and provide a necessary diagnosis and prescription.

The telehealth service is offered by a group of third-party health service providers, according to the text in the video. The video directs people to, a web page that is currently not shown during publication.

The video says that the recipe will be sent to your "apotek." It's unclear if the program will direct people to Amazon Pharmacy, which is still struggling to take off, according to a report from Insider in August.

Amazon spokesman Christina Smith declined to comment on the videos and programs she described.

The program described will be another health care axis for Amazon. Just a few months ago, the company announced it would shut down Amazon Care, its original telehealth service.

The program started as a service for Amazon employees and was later expanded as a bid for any company wishing to offer it to its employees.

Amazon's senior health vice president, Neil Lindsay, said in an email announcing the shutdown that it was "not a pretty complete offer for big company customers we have targeted."

The move comes after Amazon announced it acquired primary care provider One Medical. It's unclear whether the third-party health care provider group described in the Amazon Clinic video will include One Medical.

The tech company is still looking for the best way to navigate a lucrative healthcare industry, but management is a mess. Depending on the final form, this Amazon Clinic offering could be a new point of view on issues that focus on customer experience, which is already under the company's control, rather than trying to offer the treatment itself.

In Indonesia itself, such an online health clinic, has mushroomed. Even I-Care, one of the telehealth applications also has various abilities to diagnose patients online through questions raised on patients and patient answers will determine what solutions or drugs will be given.

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