
JAKARTA - Non-Fungible Token Market (NFT) began to get information in early 2021. Furthermore, any digital asset can be in the form of NFT including collectibles, artwork, video game characters, cyber objects, and digital sports.

If you are a new kid in the NFT market, of course there are several things to know before you sell digital assets. This includes how to determine the price of NFT with profitability, what makes the base price of NFT go up, how to know if your NFT is valuable or not, and how much you have to wear for NFT.

Ketika Anda memasuki di dunia Web3 dan baru memulai perjalanan NF-nya, Anda mungkin Anda akan bertanya How seseorang menilai karya seni saya? atau apa strategi terbaik untuk menjual NFT?.

Although there is no specific strategy, launching from the explanation on Cointelegraph, you can determine the price based on the average market price listed according to the digital assets you want to sell. Or, you can also sell it according to the price that the buyer is willing to pay, or called the buyer's price.

There are several factors that can affect your NFT selling value, these factors are as follows:

Understand the types of producing and selling NFT, including manufacturing costs such as professional 3D artists' wages if one needs to learn how to create non-exchangeable tokens.

Also pay attention to other issues such as printing costs that can vary with fluctuating gas costs, market costs for printing or listing tokens, selling costs charged by the NFT market, and token marketing costs.

Rare NFTs will be worth more than usual, as supply and types of assets determine whether they are rare or not. For example, limited edition NFTs may be valued higher than those with multiple copies.

Meanwhile, in terms of functionality, the utility token is more valuable because the owner can use it to buy goods and services. Therefore, you must consider your client's needs when determining the price for this utility NFT.

The NFT ecosystem is still growing, there will still be a lot of people entering that world. The most important thing for token artists who cannot be exchanged is that they need to show enthusiasm and trust in the process.

To make a good reputation in the NFT industry, one needs to market the names of their famous artists or figures to the masses through media such as Twitter, Discord, Telegram. In addition, working with platforms, artists, and other businesses can open up more opportunities to sell your work at the right price.

Just like selling other products, marketing is at the heart of NFT sales. So, if you're wondering why your NFT isn't selling, it could be due to a lack of awareness of your NFT.

Each artist has their own personal preferences, whether they want to be seen publicly or want to be anonymous in NFT sales. However, what needs to be noted is, to improve the NFT project profile, buyers should know your professional background, including name, experience with blockchain technology and other crypto art or NFTs.

While there is no definite answer to what NFT is best-selling, NFTs with solid presence on social media and displaying clear roadmaps can sell better than others.

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