
JAKARTA - Following in the footsteps of Spotify Warpped, the YouTube Music platform also presents a similar feature. YouTube Music users can display a list of the songs they have listened to in the Year in Review 2020.

Citing the 9To5Google page, this feature can be used by both premium and free YouTube Music users. Users simply enter the application and access the personalized list of 2020 Year In Review.

There are three categories of flashback lists that can be seen, namely My 2020 Year in Review, Top Songs of 2020, and Top Pop 2020. The three are adjusted based on user interests and favorites.

Similar to Spotify Wrapped, 2020 Year in Review also features the most popular playlists of 2020. There, users can immediately find out the top artists, songs, and music genres they enjoy doing.

YouTube Music categorizes a variety of genres, from pop, rock, indie, hip-hop, and more. The difference from Spotify Wrapped, the 2020 Year in Review does not give too much detail on other data, such as the total duration spent throughout 2020.

YouTube Music View (9to5Google)

For information, YouTube Music itself is a song streaming application similar to Spotify. Free subscribers can stream music through the application for free with advertisements punctuated. For those who don't want to see ads, they can pay a subscription fee.

On the other hand, the difference with Spotify, Google's music service not only provides audio but also video. Users can switch from audio to video or vice versa, even when a song is playing.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by