
JAKARTA - In the midst of widespread cyber threats, the Minister of Communication and Information Johnny G. Plate stated that one of the keys to strengthening cyber resilience is reducing data leakage in Electronic System Operators.

According to him, with the extent of the cybersecurity system including the resilience and sovereignty of one nation, efforts are needed to ensure cybersecurity is well maintained.

"It has also been regulated in the Personal Data Protection Act (UU PDP), PSE must have a Data Protection Officer (DPO)," he said in a release on the Ministry website.

For this reason, Johnny said there are three things that PSE needs to do in strengthening the resilience of cybersecurity systems, including encryption technology, the availability of digital talent and cybersecurity digital talent in all PSEs.

Not to forget, the Minister of Communication and Information also emphasized that in the development of the digital economy, cyber security is an important part of maintaining the digital sovereignty of a nation.

"I would like to remind all administrators of both private and public, domestic and global electronic systems to pay attention to the durability of cyber attacks upstream (networks/networks)," he said.

Furthermore, Johnny also respectfully requested that PSE ensure that at all end points have sufficient durability against cyber attacks.

According to him, maintaining cyber security should be the concern of all parties. When cyber attacks arise, Kominfo together with the State Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN), and all government apparatus must participate in collaborating on it.

"We all support BSSN, but BSSN as a regulator and who will monitor all of our durability and cyber systems, needs to be supported by the ability of a PSE that has a resilient cyber security system," he explained.

In the event, the Minister of Communication and Information invited all Indonesian digital people to take part in utilizing Indonesia's growing digital economy.

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