
JAKARTA - A few days before the termination of analog TV broadcasts (ANalogue switch off/ASO) on November 2, the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) established a post for people who needed more information about migration to digital TV.

"We will research several regencies and cities or provinces in Indonesia to immediately carry out Analog Switch Off according to the readiness of their respective regions. At the time of Analog Switch Off Jabodetabek, the government also prepared a post," said the Minister of Communications and Informatics, Johnny G. Plate in his statement, quoted Wednesday, October 26.

The Minister of Communication and Information explained that the establishment of the post was intended so that during the process of migrating analog television broadcasts to digital, poor people who needed a set top box (STB) received services from the government.

"If later it turns out that there is television from the public who have not been able to receive digital broadcasts because there is no set top box for poor families, then the Ministry of Communication and Information will serve as much as possible," he explained.

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"Once again, to the middle class who still have a tube television or television that does not meet the digital television standard called DVBT2, we ask to immediately install a set top box on their respective televisions," he said.

According to Johnny, at the beginning of the termination of analog television broadcasts to digital, the public could enjoy holding the 2022 World Cup which will take place in Qatar on November 20.

The Minister of Communication and Information stated that people who also have digital television by using STB will be able to enjoy the quality of the 2022 World Cup broadcast with a clear and better quality.

Minister Johnny hopes that with the establishment of a service post, the public will not receive misinformation during the analog TV migration process to digital TV on November 2, 2022.

"Once again, for other areas, we will do 292 regencies and cities in stages to ensure that people can watch television well and people's atmospheres are not busy or given confusing and confusing information," he said.

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