
JAKARTA - Celebrating Cybersecurity Awareness Month which falls this October, Google conveyed progress on a number of measures that have been made related to security on the internet.

"Every day, billions of people use Google to find reliable information, reach their destinations, communicate with people they love and many more," said Putri Alam, Director of Government Affairs & Public Policy, Google Indonesia at the "Hacking Google" viewing event Tuesday, October 25 in Jakarta.

When they use these products and services, Google is also given great trust to maintain the security and confidentiality of users' personal information.

"This trust underlies all innovations and collaborations that Google does by continuing to improve and provide the most advanced security to protect the public so that they remain safe online," he said.

Last year, Google announced various security upgrades, ranging from facilitating the login process and making it safer, to providing education about specific threats that lurk online.

Google's security team, which usually works behind the scenes against cyberattacks earlier this month, released a new documentary series titled HACKING GOOGLE consisting of six episodes.

This documentary will show the behind-the-scenes situation, as elite security teams, consisting of experts, build world-class security operations for a decade, by continuing to prioritize privacy and prioritize security.

Earlier this year, Google officially launched an online security lesson featuring founders Khan Academy, Sal Khan, and Google security experts, in providing practical tips to help you maintain account security, explore the web safely, detect phishing attempts, and more.

Not only that, as a refinement of authentication technology for years, earlier this year Google conveyed progress for Google Password Management features on Android and Chrome to welcome a passwordless future.

Then, Google has announced the next stage of this trip by releasing passkey support for developers on Android and Chrome.

Google says this step is important to expand the use of passkeys, which will later be compatible with your Google Password Management feature in order to simplify the login process across devices, websites, and any apps of the platform.

The best thing about this technology is that later, people will be able to log in with any method that you usually use to unlock your phone (code, fingerprint, facial recognition, etc.), no longer need to type passwords.

The availability of this support will be available to Android 9 users or higher will follow in November.

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