
YOGYAKARTA The Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing is increasingly implementing the Multi Lane Free Flow (MLFF) non-cash payment system for transactions at toll gates. Unfortunately, not many people know how MLFF understands and works. VOI will summarize it for you.

The Multi Lane Free Flow (MLFF) system is a contactless payment system technology that is applied to toll gates in Indonesia.

Quoted from the official BPJT website, the toll payment system without having to stop is digital innovation and transformation on the Toll Road. This technology carries the concept of the intelligence toll road system (ITRS) by referring to Toll Road 4.0 Technology.

MLFF uses the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) technology system, a system that makes transactions via the application on the smartphone and then reads via satellite.

The way MLFF works is actually quite simple. In essence, MLFF will make toll drivers not have to stop and tap e-toll at every gate to make transactions, but it can be done without having to stop.

Quoted from various sources, MLFF will use a device in the form of an Electronic On-Board Unit or E-OBU. This device must be activated by the user before making transactions at the toll gate.

When the E-OBU is active, GPS will automatically send the user's position in real time via satellite and the matching process on the map will be carried out at the center of the system.

MLFF also uses digital technology Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). This technology eliminates barriers at toll gates. Not only that, all vehicle movements on toll roads will also be detected. So that when the driver starts entering the toll gate, the system will calculate the tariff and automatically carry out transactions according to the calculation.

What users must ensure is the availability of balances in the application before passing through the toll gate. If the balance is insufficient, the application will send a notification.

The conventional toll payment system and payments with MLFF have a number of differences, namely as follows.

The difference in payments to conventional and MLFF toll payment systems is in the required transaction time.

Conventional toll payments require drivers to pause to make payments via e-tolls. Not only that, the driver also has to wait for the portal to open and then be able to go forward. This process takes time to cause vehicle queues.

Meanwhile, toll payments using MLFF allow drivers to continue driving without having to wait for the portal to open, so that the queue of vehicles at the toll gate can be minimized.

Payment devices on both payment systems are also different. In conventional toll payments, drivers need tools in the form of e-tolls. Not infrequently drivers need additional tools in the form of e-toll sticks.

Meanwhile, in the payment of the MLFF toll road, drivers do not need e-toll equipment. All you have to do is download the application via smartphone.

MLFF technology applied to toll transactions has a number of benefits that will be felt by road users, namely as follows.

With the MLFF technology, drivers can save more time because there is no need to stop and queue at toll gates. This will have an impact on reducing travel time.

Queues at toll gates can also be avoided, so piles of vehicles at toll gates can be avoided. Drivers can continue to drive without having to stop to make payments at toll gates. Congestion can also be avoided, especially in times of congestion.

MLFF technology also supports a digital payment scheme or cashless. Users simply top up the application with a balance filling scheme that has been provided.

The government will test the toll payment system without stopping starting in 2023. However, the MLFF system will be introduced to the public starting at the end of 2022. The trial itself will be carried out on several toll roads, namely as follows.

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