
JAKARTA - Twitter has added a new policy that prohibits all forms of racism on its microblogging platform. The company prohibits hate speech that is inhumane based on race, ethnicity and national origin.

Citing a Twitter blog post, social media with the blue bird logo will immediately crack down and remove tweets offending racism from its platform. They also ask for the role of their users if they come across content deemed hateful.

To make these rules work, Twitter uses an automated process to detect and remove content it deems hateful. Users found violating will be suspended by Twitter.

For example, Twitter has posted a tweet it considers hateful behavior. In addition, Twitter will also work with third parties to better understand how to solve this problem.

examples of hate speech prohibited by Twitter (Twitter blog)

Twitter says this kind of behavior can also cause chaos in the real world. For this reason, Twitter is very concerned about maintaining tolerance and freedom of social media both online and offline.

In the last year, Twitter banned speech degrading other people because of religion or certain caste. They then updated the rules in March by adding aspects of age, disability and disease to the list of categories protected from hate speech.

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