
JAKARTA - Today's Google search engine page displays a picture of a Papua Noken bag. A form of traditional handicrafts typical of Papua and West Papua.

Google itself made the Noken bag a doodle because December 4 was the day when Papua's Noken was designated as an intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO. The illustration is the work of Depok artist Danu Fitria.

"Today's doodle, an illustration by an artist from Depok, Danu Fitra, celebrates Noken, a traditional handcrafted bag, which is an important cultural and socio-economic marker in Papua and West Papua, Indonesia," wrote Google about this Doodle, Friday, 4 December.

Illustration of Papua Noken by Danu Fitria (doc. Google Doodle)

In general, Noken bags are made of bark or tree fibers which are processed into strong threads, which are then tied or woven together. The result is like a bag that is used in general and is used in everyday life to carry plants to carry children.

This traditional handcrafted bag is also considered a unifying symbol for the more than 250 ethnic groups in Papua. Noken is also often used for traditional celebrations, or given as a peace offering.

"I know Noken has many philosophies, one of which is a symbol of a good life and prosperity because Noken is made from materials that come from forests, then used to bring crops from the forest," said Danu in an interview with Google.

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