
JAKARTA -, a share research application from PT APLIKASI EMITEN INDONESIA as, has just announced its acquisition of the Lowongan Working Platform,

This acquisition is carried out to increase market share while maintaining user growth, expanding ecosystems, suppressing resource costs, and diversifying portfolios of company business units.

"This acquisition helps us expand the market share as well as strengthen the downstream ecosystem, and diversify the company's portfolio," said Denny Huang, President Director of PT APLIKASI EMITEN INDONESIA, in an official statement received in Jakarta. adalah sebuah platform bagi para pekerja profesional maupun non-profesional Indonesia untuk mencari pekerjaan, bagi HRD perusahaan pun dapat melakukan pencarian talent berkualitas hingga melakukan pre-interview sebelum calon pekerja datang ke kantor untuk an interview.

Segmentasi pengguna lebih menyasarkan pekerja profesional maupun pekerja SME hingga perusahaan nasional. Dengan tambahan fitur pendukung bagi pekerja fresh graduates, pekerja disfabel, pekerja intern, pekerja yang usia lanjut setiap 50 tahun.

"The branding of workers themselves is very good and the easiest to remember because it means 1 word, namely workers." said Denny further.

Denny added that the management agrees with one thought that in a cycle of life, one must have income both working as a worker and doing business to be able to invest or think about financial freedom.

It did not say how much the acquisition value of by But what is clear, the technology company is open to continuing to expand cooperation and acquisition if there are attractive opportunities and are in line with the company's vision and mission.

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