
JAKARTA - CD badminton recently announced that its latest project, codenamed "Orion", will soon enter its pre-production stage in North American studios.

All core development teams, including the Quest Director for the 2077 Cyberpunk Pawesul Sasko, will move to Boston to set up a studio and work on the title.

In terms of how many developers are needed for the title, the CFO of the Red Piotr Nielubowicz CD feels that 350 to 500 developers are secure estimates.

Speaking in a recent call to investors, which was successfully transcripted by IGN, Nielubowicz said, North American study will consist of a team working from Boston and a team working from Vancouver. The project will also be supported by developers from Poland."

"For the total number of employees needed for such production, I believe the best reference is Cyberpunk 2077, our latest release and good reference points when thinking about the number of future development and project employees on this scale," he said.

"I think it's safe to assume that between 350 and 500 developers should be needed." explained Nielubowicz further.

No matter how many teams will work on the Orion project later, of course, the team's journey is still very long, knowing they are focusing on the development ofmain Liberty which is currently entering the final stages of production.

turun Liberty menjadi ekspan berbayar pertama dan satu-satunya Cyberpunk 2077 yang direncanakan untuk dirilis pada half pertama tahun 2023. Pembaruan lebih lanjut, termasuk perambahan sistem polisi dan perangkapan jarak dekat, juga direncanakan meskipun ini akan terleksi untuk platform generasi saat ini.

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