JAKARTA - PlayStation 5 (PS5) fans in several countries have complained about not getting the game console, even though they have been queuing for a long time. This may have happened because of a group of brokers who bought up thousands of PS5 consoles to be resold.
"Our collective total is 2,472 PS5 consoles for all of our members," CrepChiefNotify manager Tom told Business Insider, Thursday, November 26.
This does not include the 1,000 units ordered when pre-orders for the PS5 opened in September. In total, CrepChiefNotify managed to collect nearly 3,500 consoles to resell at a higher price.
To buy PS5s in record time, CrepChiefNotify used bots to monitor all retail sites as the PS5 went on sale. Other bots are also used to bypass queues and waiting times to buy PS5 faster than those who buy manually.
Later the game console will be resold at a much higher price. For the PS5 price in the UK, it is actually around 600 pounds, or around Rp. 11 million. However, the group sold it for as high as £ 750, or about Rp.14 million more than the official price.
CrepChiefNotify itself is a group of experienced brokers who buy limited edition sneakers for resale. In fact, this group is selling its bot services to the general public at a cost of around 29.99 Pounds Sterling or the equivalent of Rp.566 thousand.

So far, Sony has not disclosed the number of PS5 consoles that will be marketed. However, if the brokerage group alone manages to buy 3,500 units of the PS5 console, it will certainly affect the amount of stock on the market.
Meanwhile, brokers or other resellers looking to profit from the PS5 sell the console at insane prices on eBay and social media. In Indonesia alone, the pre-order price on the marketplace can reach IDR 18 million or double the original price.
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