
JAKARTA - Electric vehicle infrastructure continues to be accelerated so that the provision of energy for environmentally friendly cars can be obtained easily. The DKI Jakarta Transportation Service is now reviewing the construction of the Public Electric Vehicle Charging Station (SPKLU) at the two Capital Terminals in stages. "Currently, the two points being studied are at Grogol Terminal and Pulo Gebang," said Head of the DKI Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, to Antara, Saturday, September 17. According to him, studies conducted related to images, traffic studies so as not to interfere with terminal functions. He also targets that in the long term SPKLU can be installed at each terminal in DKI Jakarta so that it can accommodate, especially for filling public transportation such as large buses and small buses at terminals. Not only for public transportation, the SPKLU can also be used for private vehicles based on electricity. In the near future, his party will also collaborate with the private sector so that they can also build SPKLU so as to accommodate the needs of the general public. "So that they build SPKLU in collaboration with Jakpro's subsidiaries and we are identifying them at several terminal locations later SPKLU will be installed to support the electric-based motor vehicle program," said Syafrin. The establishment of the SPKLU facility is in line with the Instruction of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 7 of 2022 concerning the use of electric vehicles into official vehicles for central and regional government agencies. Through this Presidential Instruction, Jokowi ordered regional heads to develop and establish regulations to support the acceleration of the implementation of the use of electric vehicles. The President also instructed the preparation of budget allocations to support the program. Then, encourage Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMD) to increase the use of various types of battery-based electric motorized vehicles.

Furthermore, providing fiscal and non-fiscal incentives in the form of convenience and priority for the use of battery-based electric motor vehicles. The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government will use 200 units of electric motorized vehicles in stages starting in 2023 to support the improvement of clean air quality. "Next year we will prepare no less than 100 and also two-wheeled vehicles, no less than 100," said Deputy Governor of DKI Ahmad Riza Patria on National Transportation Day in Jakarta, Saturday. However, Riza has not provided details of the budget prepared for the procurement of these electric motorized vehicles. As for public transportation in Jakarta, the TransJakarta fleet now has 30 electric buses and is planned to be 100 units by the end of the year.

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