
YOGYAKARTA Some people may be wondering what black hat hackers and white hat hackers are after a hacker named Bjorka managed to break into some confidential data belonging to the Government of the Republic of Indonesia.

Bjorka claims he managed to get 150 million Indonesian population data, then data on 1.3 billion SIM card users, to a BIN Secret Letter to President Jokowi.

Not only that, but Bjorka also leaked personal data from the Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Johnny G. Plate on social media. Apart from Johnny, the personal data of the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Menko Marves) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan was also distributed to the public.

In addition to leaking personal data from a number of ministers of the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet, Hacker Bjorka also revealed the mastermind behind the murder case of human rights activist Munir Said Talib in 2004. Bjorka called the General Chairperson of the Berkarya Party Muchdi Purwopranjono the person responsible for the case.

Of the number of burglarys carried out by Bjorka, not a few want to know the types of hackers that exist today.

Quoted by VOI from the official Apknox website, in general, hackers are divided into three categories based on their motive for hacking, including white hat, black hat, and gray hat hackers.

What are Black Hat Hackers and White Hat Hackers? About Black Hat Hackers

Black hat hackers or commonly called black hat hackers are malicious hackers who sneak into networks and systems by leveraging malware (software designed to cause damage to the computer).

These black hackers generally hack for material reasons. However, there are times when they do it for fun.

Black hat members include amateur hackers to professionals, as long as what they do is hack with the motive of spreading malware and stealing personal data.

Citing Search Security's Tech Target, personal data stolen by black hat hackers is usually sold in black markets or to criminal organizations.

What's Black Hat Hacker and White Hat Hacker? About White Hat Hacker

If black hat is a hacker referred to as a malicious hacker, white hack hacker or "white hat hacker" is known as ethical hacker (ethical hacker).

White hat is often contracted by companies and government agencies to check its security vulnerabilities.

White hat hackers apply known cybersecurity techniques, such as penetration testing and providing a thorough assessment of cybersecurity system vulnerabilities.

So it can be concluded that the white hat hacker group is actually useful for developing a system and an important aspect in it.

What's Black Hat Hacker and White Hat Hacker? About Grey Hat Hacker

The third type of hacker is Grey Hat Hacker. This hacker is a mix of black hat and white hat. However, generally they hack without asking permission from the owner of the computer system.

The majority of gray hat reported vulnerabilities found in the cybersecurity system. However, they still ask for compensation in return. If their request is not met, hackers who are included in this group may also exploit vulnerabilities.

Another hacker group categorized in gray hat is hacktivist. They are a group of activists who have expertise in hacking. Hackivists take advantage of their ability to reveal important messages through websites that are quite frequent without asking permission from system providers.

Thus is information about what black hat hackers and white hat hackers are. In addition to the two groups, there are still gray hat hackers that fall into the black and white category.

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