JAKARTA - Following Instagram's steps, finally the WhatsApp Messenger message delivery service launched the dark mode feature. It's just that this feature is still a Beta version.
So, not all users can try this new feature. To try and activate the latest features such as WhatsApp's dark mode, the user must become a WhatsApp Beta Tester (WhatsApp beta tester).
As reported by The Verge, Friday 24 January, WhatsApp is the third platform to feature a dark mode, after Facebook and Instagram. However, there is still no continuation regarding when this dark mode version can be used for iOS and Android users.
Because WhatsApp is still doing some testing, before officially releasing this feature to the public. This update will only be available on WhatsApp version 2.20.13.
Where WhatsApp's dark mode will change the background display of this instant messaging service to black. To activate it, just tap the settings menu (Settings), select chat (Chats), then select Themes.
Users will be presented with three choice modes, Dark Theme (dark mode), Light Theme (light mode), System Default (by system default), and Set By Battery Saver (according to power saver settings).
The beta tester testing from WhatsApp has been closed. However, the Beta version of this instant messaging service can still be found from third parties, which are selling the WhatsApp Beta APK.

Prone to Malware
Because this application is sold by third parties, there is a possibility that the user must bear the risk if a problem occurs. Because, no one can guarantee the security of applications provided outside of the Play Store or Apple Store.
Keep in mind, the Beta version is software that can only be tested on a limited basis, before the improved version is distributed to all users. This is because the functions of the Beta application are not stable, both in terms of function and users.
This is done to ensure that the application is not infiltrated by malware. Surveillance like this is not as stringent as Google on third-party app stores. Keep in mind, something free on the internet is not always profitable. Because usually it is the user who is used as bait for the "free" provider.
Likewise with downloading WhatsApp Beta, where the file does not come from the official site or product owned by Mark Zuckerberg. Due to rampant data breaches, users also need to be careful when downloading this illegal application.
Moreover, Android users, downloading applications via Google Play is the safest option. Based on data released by the Android security team this year, users are 10 times more likely to download malicious apps on phones other than Google Play.
Therefore, if users have doubts and are concerned about the security of their personal data on their cellphones, they should wait for official WhatsApp to bring up the theme "Dark Mode."
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