
Jakarta Some users of the Zoom video conferencing application, had complained about the disruption in the popular application during the pandemic. One that is considered the most annoying is that users find it difficult to join a forum even though they have received an invitation.

Unmitigated there are more than 40,000 users who reported the problem on this video conferencing platform. This complaint has also become a big issue for Zoom, which does not want its application to be abandoned by users in the midst of widespread competition with similar applications., a website that tracks outages by compiling status reports from multiple sources including user-proposed errors on its platform show 40,377 users reporting problems. The true number of affected users may vary.

The app, owned by Zoom Video Communications Inc, finally announced on Thursday, September 15 that it had resolved issues preventing users from starting and joining meetings.

"We will continue to monitor and provide updates as we have," Zoom said on its status page.

Previously in July, this platform also faced several problems with its phone features. But in the end this problem can also be solved.

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