
JAKARTA - On Thursday, September 8, Twitter announced that it had added new support for sharing tweets directly to Snapchat and Instagram Stories.

Actually, the direct tweet-sharing feature to Instagram was launched for iOS users last year, and now this feature is here for Android users.

Thus, you no longer need to take screenshots/screenshots if you want to share funny tweets, images, or videos from Twitter to other social media platforms.

"Share Tweets directly to Snapchat and Instagram Stories are now available on Android (existing on iOS!)" the company wrote on Twitter.More than that, Twitter has also added a direct sharing feature to LinkedIn for Android and iOS users starting last Thursday." And we added LinkedIn sharing on Android and iOS. Tap the shared icon in Tweet to try it out," he wrote.

Based on an explanation from its official website, LinkedIn is an online platform that connects professionals around the world.

However, what you need to underline is that, just like playing Twitter in general that doesn't allow other users to retweet any tweets posted by protected accounts, this feature also won't allow users to share protected tweets with Instagram Stories or Snapchat.

This is done possibly to protect the privacy of other users in microblogging services.

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