
YOGYAKARTA The use of new and renewable energy as an alternative to reduce dependence on oil energy continues to be carried out by the Government of Indonesia. One of the sources of energy that is considered to have great potential is geothermal alternative energy.

The alternative geothermal energy is not yet familiar to the ears of the general public. However, the potential it has is quite promising. VOI tries to summarize the meaning of geothermal energy and its utilization, summarized from various sources.

Getting to Know Geothermal Alternative Energy

In general, geothermal energy is energy generated from geothermal heat. From language, the term geothermal comes from Greek which consists of two words, namely 'geo' which means earth, and 'thermal' which means heat.

In Law no. 27 of 2003 concerning Geothermal, it is explained that geothermal resources are an energy source that exists in hot water, water vapor, to rocks with minerals and other gas that are genetically inseparable in a geothermal system.

The law also states that in its utilization a mining process is needed to be used as a power plant or other direct utilization.

The use of geothermal is considered more environmentally friendly than fossil fuels. The reason is, geothermal is a source of clean energy and only releases a little greenhouse gas.

The Potential for Geothermal in Indonesia

The potential for geothermal heat in Indonesia is quite large. This happens because of the large number of volcanoes that can be used as geothermal development areas. The geothermal is also associated with active volcanic, so it is associated with active volcanoes.

Apart from being associated with active volcanoes, geothermal is also linked to faults and intrusions. The condition of the volcanoes in Indonesia causes Indonesia to have great geothermal potential.

Quoted from, Friday, September 2, Indonesia is one of the richest countries with geothermal resources. From statistics, Indonesia became the country with the second most geothermal resources in the world after the United States.

The Benefits of Geothermal

One of the uses of geothermal energy is as an electricity producer. The processing of geothermal heat is carried out by looking at the resources of the geothermal heat.

If in an area there is geothermal heat that emits steam (steam), the steam can be used directly by being directed to power generation turbines to produce electrical energy.

However, if the resulting geothermal is in the form of hot water, then it is necessary to make changes to water vapor (steam) before being directed to power generation turbines.

Geothermal Alternative Energy Winning

Quoted from, geothermal alternative energy has several advantages that can be felt, one of which is environmentally friendly. Not only in the production aspect, but also in the use aspect.

In the process of development and manufacturing, geothermal energy does not release emotions, in fact, there is no carbon used for production. That way the effects of global warming triggered by gas emissions of oil will also be reduced.

In addition to being environmentally friendly, geothermal energy characteristics are as follows.

Those are some information related to geothermal alternative energy. To get more information, visit VOI.ID.

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