
JAKARTA - Applying passwords that have a high level of difficulty is very good for minimizing hacking by cybercriminals or Hackers. Therefore, not a few of the systems that ask you to create passwords in large, small letters combined, and numbers to make it more unpredictable.

According to a new report from mobile security firm Lookout via cnbc, there are 20 passwords that they find the most frequently in account information leaks on the dark web. The list ranges from numbers and simple letters such as '123456' and 'Qwerty' to phrases that are common and easy to type as 'Iloveyou.'

The Lookout report in December last year also noted that there was an average (80%) of emails leaked on the dark web. The leaked email immediately directed the hacker directly to your password.

The following is a list of the 20 most commonly found passwords on the dark web based on findings from Lookout:

If you use any of the 20 password lists above, it's a good idea to immediately change that with more difficult passwords.

Kaspersky security experts have also said it is better for individuals or companies to change their passwords as often as possible.

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