
JAKARTA - YouTube is one application that is trying to compete with TikTok with its 'Shorts'.

Two days ago, on Wednesday, August 17th, YouTube announced that they were introducing a watermark for their Shorts videos.

So, if you are a creator who wants to download your Shorts from YouTube Studio, you will find a watermark on the videos you download.

"If you are a creator who downloads your Shorts from YouTube Studio to share across other platforms, you will now find watermarks added to the content you download," said Sara, YouTube Community Manager in the announcement.

According to YouTube, adding a watermark is a way to reach a larger audience from all platforms other than YouTube.

"We've added a watermark to the Shorts you download so your viewers can see that the content you share across platforms can be found on YouTube Shorts," he added.

Watermark for Shorts is planned to be ready to roll out in the next few weeks on the desktop.

YouTube also revealed its plans to bring this feature more widely to mobile users in the coming months.

It seems clear that YouTube is very serious about its Shorts to compete against TikTok. Because TikTok has already created a watermark for its users' videos if they are shared on other platforms.

Meanwhile, TikTok is focusing on planning how to get more audiences from multiple platforms through the option to share TikTok videos directly to Instagram and Facebook.

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