
JAKARTA - Alphabet Inc's Google is now able to combine physical robot eyes and arms with the knowledge and conversational skills of a virtual chatbot to help its employees retrieve sodas and chips from the break room with ease.

The mechanical servants, shown in action before reporters last week, to realize a breakthrough in artificial intelligence that paved the way for multipurpose robots that are easy to control. These robots are capable of performing single, structured tasks such as vacuuming or keeping watch.

But this Google Robot is not ready to be sold commercially. Because they only perform a few dozen simple actions, and the company hasn't embedded them with the familiar "OK, Google" calling feature for consumers.

While Google says it is currently pursuing responsible development, or adoption it could eventually put a stop to concerns such as robots becoming surveillance machines, or being equipped with chat technology that could provide offensive responses, as Meta Platform Inc and others have experienced in recent years.

"It's going to be a while before we can really understand the direct commercial impact," said Vincent Vanhoucke, Google's senior director of robotics research.

When asked to help clean up the spill, the Google robot realized that picking up the sponge was a doable response and made more sense than apologizing for causing a mess.

Robots interpret naturally spoken commands, weigh possible actions against their abilities and plan smaller steps to achieve the request.

According to Google, this Chain of Action is made possible by including robots with language technology that draws world understanding from Wikipedia, social media, and other web pages. Similar AI underpins chatbots or virtual assistants, but has never been widely applied to robots before.

It launched the effort in a research paper in April. Incorporating more advanced language AI has since increased the robot's success at commands to 74% from 61%, according to a Google blog post on Tuesday, August 16.

Fellow Alphabet subsidiary Everyday Robots, which is in charge of designing the robot, said for now the robot's duties would remain limited to picking up snacks for employees.

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