
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology admits that internet access in Indonesia is still not fully accessible. Kominfo promises that in 2022 villages and wards throughout Indonesia will be covered with 4G signals.

"One of them is how the government and cellular operators are able to reduce disparities in infrastructure between regions, and accelerate the distribution of internet for all regions of the country," said the Minister of Communication and Information Johnny G Plate in a press release, Tuesday, November 17.

Furthermore, he said that BAKTI Kominfo in the last quarter of 2020 had completed the implementation of 4G signals in 1,209 villages and wards. In 2021, it will be completed for 4,200 villages and sub-districts, and in 2022 as many as 3,704 villages and wards in the 3T area.

On the other hand, the Minister of Communication and Information said the leadership of cellular operators was also committed to completing development in 3,435 villages and sub-districts to provide 4G signals in non 3T areas or commercial areas.

"We hope that Kominfo and cellular operators can jointly present 4G to be completed in 2022," he said.

There are several things that will be planned in the next 10 years cooperation period. In addition to internet equity, the two sides also discussed the potential for the development of the telecommunications industry such as digital acceleration, which is one of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Digital acceleration is the impact of COVID-19, in which telecommunications is the backbone of the development of various sectors in the world including Indonesia," said the Minister of Communication and Information.

"We must pay attention to new technological developments, such as the use of spectrum sharing for future technologies," he continued.

In the health sector, the Minister of Communication and Information said that all health facilities in Indonesia will be available with a 4G signal in 2020. Meanwhile, tourism will also be the focus of Kominfo in the future, by providing adequate bandwidth speed.

"BAKTI Kominfo and cellular operators are active in providing adequate ICT infrastructure in super priority tourist destinations, including for Madalika and Labuan Bajo which will hold international activities. In 2021 there will be a MotoGP in Mandalika, and a G20 Summit in 2023 in Labuan Bajo," said Minister Johnny.

"Cellular operators are committed to increasing the deployment of ICT infrastructure including BTS in the destination area, together with BAKTI to complete development in supporting areas that are categorized as 3T" he added.

He hopes that cellular operators together with the government can continue to establish good relations and be committed to building a better, more efficient, competitive and healthy industry for the advancement of the nation.

"The second 10-year license extension is related to the 800, 900 and 1800 mega Hz frequency bands. I congratulate those who extend the renewal license, with the hope that they can be more active and progressive for the deployment of ICT and develop our industry adequately," he concluded.

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