JAKARTA - A designer and entrepreneur from Canada, Yezin Al-Qaysi created a protector from the corona virus or COVID-19. Like the shape, it is clear how it works is also different from medical masks.
Quoting BBC International, Monday, November 16, even though they both protect against the virus, the helmet which is nicknamed the BioVYZR helmet can cover the head and upper body completely. The helmet also has a shield that extends down to the user's chest.
In addition, there is also a battery-powered fan and a filter respirator system that can purify the air that is sucked in, and push the air inside the helmet out.

The 32-year-old man has his own reasons for making this helmet, because he thinks this helmet will be aimed at people who are looking for more protection against the corona virus than just wearing a mask.
The helmets, made under Al-Qaysi's company VZYR Technologies, can last up to 12 hours of battery life, and currently total orders have reached tens of thousands.
Not only VZYR Technologies, there is also Valhalla Medical Design based in Austin, Texas, it has launched a similar product called NE-1. Apart from its powerful air filtration system, it also embeds internal and external microphones and speakers, so that users can more easily talk to those around them.
The NE-1 also has built-in Bluetooth audio, so even users can make phone calls or listen to music. For information, the two helmets sell on average in the range of US $ 149 or Rp. 2 million to US $ 379, which is equivalent to Rp. 5.3 million.

However, many people doubt the quality of the two helmets because they are not certified yet, and deny that people will need them simply because they want to avoid poor air quality, not viruses.
Dr Suzanne Pham, medical director of the COVID-19 response team at Weiss Memorial Hospital in Chicago, said the two helmets would still have to be further investigated to see if they could protect humans from the virus.
"It remains to be seen whether this interesting helmet is effective against COVID-19, because at the moment there is not enough research behind it," said Dr Pham.
According to Dr Pham, these helmets can cause divisions in society, "It will create rifts in society between those who can afford something that seems more likely to protect them, and those who can't. And those who can't afford the 'Oh, what am I protected only by wearing a surgical mask? '
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