
JAKARTA - Currently, when entering the industrial revolution 4.0, digital technology is the main capital that must be owned by business actors.

If you look at the past two years during the pandemic, many business actors ultimately inevitably have to use digital to maintain their business. That way, the digital economy can have a positive impact on improving the country's economy.

According to Lucky Bo, Go-Online coach, in the current digital era, there are many opportunities that arise for many people to survive during the pandemic, one of which is migrating to digital platforms.

Furthermore, Lucky said that the pandemic is not an excuse for no money or income. According to him, the COVID-19 pandemic has actually produced a very large digital wave.

"So, for example, there is a digital wave and we cannot survive, we will be rolled back," said Lucky during a webinar Chat with Legislators with the theme "Economic Potential in the Digital Age" on Thursday, August 4.

This means that digital transformation is indispensable. How do I get started? Lucky explained, the first tip to do is focus. "Just being smart is not enough, so you have to be valuable, willing to work everything and so on, or we will be replaced with machines that are more stable," he explained.

The second tip is to figure out how to make something you're doing work. Next, make more friends. Because if you don't have a support team, you won't be able to run.

Then, start to create content and find a market that matches your content. "Don't look for a product if you don't have stock. So don't look for the product, but look for the market. What do you want to be known as?" he continued.

On the other hand, according to Junico BP Siahaan, Member of Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives who was also present at the webinar, he considered that if there were more people like Lucky, Indonesia would quickly become a big country.

"Dramatically gaining extraordinary knowledge and gaining acceleration in digital literacy, Indonesia will quickly become a big country before 2045," he added.

According to him, the number is not a problem, but the quality of the people in the digital space.

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